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 Saudi Arabia Ranked Second Globally in Working Abroad Index 2024

Saudi Arabia Ranked Second Globally in Working Abroad Index 2024

Saudi Arabia has been ranked second best country after Denmark in the Working Abroad Index and top destination worldwide regarding expat careers.

Over half of respondents in the Kingdom (55%) rated the local job market positively (as against 41% globally), and over three in ten (31%) give it the best possible rating (vs. 12% globally), according to InterNations Working Abroad Index for 2024.

Similarly, expats in Saudi Arabia are much more likely to agree that the move there has improved their career prospects (75% as against 56% globally) and rate their personal career opportunities favourably (62% vs 53% globally). 

“This is heartening for the 63% who moved to Saudi Arabia for job-related reasons (as against 35% globally). Once in the country, they are very much satisfied with the state of the local economy (82% vs 59% globally), ranking Saudi Arabia second in the Salary & Job Security Subcategory,” InterNations said. 

The top 10 countries in the index for this year are – Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, the UAE, Australia, Mexico, Indonesia and Austria respectively.

Denmark, which was ranked sixth globally in 2023, climbed five places and made it to the top of the Working Abroad Index in 2024. The country ranks first for two subcategories – Work Culture & Satisfaction and Work & Leisure.

Over four in five respondents (84%) are satisfied with their work–life balance (vs 60% globally). A similar share (83%) praise their working hours, 21 percentage points more than the share of expats worldwide (62%). With a weekly average of 39.2 hours, expats working full time in Denmark spend fewer hours at their jobs than the global average of 42.5 hours. 

However, Denmark is ranked 5th for the state of its economy and expats are less satisfied with their job security (22nd), and an average 60% agree that they are paid fairly for their work (vs. 58% globally).

Belgium is among the biggest winners in the 2024 Working Abroad Index. While it ranked 21st out of 53 destinations in 2023, the country is now the third best in 2024.

Expats praise their job security (2nd), the local job market (7th), and their personal career opportunities (9th). In fact, close to two-thirds (65%) agree that moving to Belgium has improved their career prospects (vs 56% globally). 

InterNations also said that in 2024, the top 10 countries of the Working Abroad Index saw quite the shake-up: five countries were dethroned, with those replacing them rising in the ranks by 12 to 18 places.

Five European Nations

The Netherlands (4th), Luxembourg (5th), and Austria (10th) join Denmark (1st) and Belgium (3rd) at the top. Expats in these countries particularly appreciate the economy and job security in their new homes. Only Denmark receives a rather average result for the latter (57% vs. 56% globally), while expats in Luxembourg couldn’t be happier (76%) and rate the country 1st for job security. 

The UAE (6th) joins Saudi Arabia to represent the Middle East in the top 10. That’s good news for the around three in five respondents who moved there for work-related reasons (63% Saudi Arabia; 58% the UAE; vs 35% globally). Both destinations rank very well for Career Prospects (2nd the UAE and 1st Saudi Arabia) and Work Culture & Satisfaction (6th, 7th). 

The Salary & Job Security Subcategory paints a similar picture (6th, 2nd), though expats in the UAE are less likely to agree they’re paid fairly (55% vs. 61% in Saudi Arabia and 58% globally).

Australia (7th), Mexico (8th), and Indonesia (9th) are, geographically, the odd ones out in the top 10. Expats in Australia highlight the local job market (2nd) and a business culture that favours flexibility (4th), while Mexico delights with a great work–life balance (4th) and personal career opportunities (5th), and expats in Indonesia are the most satisfied worldwide with their job (1st). 

Global Business Magazine

Global Business Magazine

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